Safe & Highly-Effective Ayurvedic treatment for various types of Piles Diseases!
Kwath: Mix 5 gm (1 teaspoon) in 100ml of hot water. Boil for 5 min, filter and drink. Twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and 30 min after dinner.
Abhayadi Kwath: 5 gm contains Abhaya, Vidanga, Trivrit, Gokshura, Dhanyaka, Chavya, Indravaruni, Shunthi, Mishreya, Danti, Mocharasa – 454.54 mg each
Key Ingredients:
Arshkuthar Ras- Anti-hemorrhoides, reduces pile mass, check anal bleeding, relieves rectal pain and swelling
Gandhak Rasayan- Anti septic, check infections, heal wounds
Bablighas Ghansatva- Stops bleeding
Sphatika Bhamsa- Stops bleeding, prevents infection
Triphala Gugul- Laxative
Patha- reduces swelling, reduces pain
Daruharidra- Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory
Nimba Phala Majja- Antiseptic
Munakka- laxative, strengthens rectal muscles and enhances intestinal peristalsis
Neem, Bakayan- Antiseptic
Khunkharaba- Checks bleeding
Kaharva Pishti- Checks bleeding
Shuddha Rasout- Anti-septic
Abhaya- Laxative
Vidanga- Antihelmintic
Trvrit- Laxative, detoxifies intestine
Gokshura- proives strength to intestinal muscles
Dhanyaka- Coolant, anti-colic
Chavya- digestive
Indravarunai- laxative
Shunti- Digestive, appetiser, anti-colic
Mishreya- Coolant
Danti- laxative
Mochras- Anti-anflammatory, reduces mucus in stool
Please always use all products of any kit in combination continuously for at least 3 months for best results.
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