GYNURE Kwath (150 gms)


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Indications – Dysmenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, Leucorrhea, Female Infertility, Mood swing, Lower backache, Thigh pain

Dosage: Kwath: Mix 5 gm (1 teaspoon) in 100ml of hot water. Boil for 5 min, filter and drink. Twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and 30 min after dinner.


NariCare+ Kwath



Please always use all products of any kit in combination continuously for at least 3 months for best results.

Safe & Highly-Effective Ayurvedic treatment for various types of Female Diseases!


ASHOKA…714 mg each in 5 gm Kwath churna




Shuddha Parad+ Shuddha Gandhak- A general health promoter, reduces vaginal infection, rejuvenator
Vanga Bhasma- A potent reproductive tonic, uterine tonic, prevents infection, gives strength to uterine muscles
Rajat Bhasma- A potent nervine tonic, antidepressant, Effective in psychosomatic disorders, mood swing, regulates hormonal secretion
Kharpara Bhasma- antiseptic, anti-inflammatory
Kapardika bhasma- calcium supplement
Louh bhasma- iron supplement, hematinic
Ghritakumari- antispasmodic, regulates menstrual flow, laxative
Gokshura- a potent reproductive tonic, menstrual regulator, prevents vaginal infection
Ashoka- regulates female hormone, reduces painful menstruation
Haritaki- detoxifier, anti-oxidant
Vibhitaki- anti-oxidant, immunomodulator
Amalaki- prevents UTI and uterine infection
Musta, Shunthi, Pippali, Marich- appetiser, reduces spasmodic pain, kills harmful microbes causing infections
Shuddha Gugul- Gives strength to bones and muscles, uterine tonic
Musali- A potent reproductive tonic, reduces vaginal discharge
Khadira- antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, treats leucorrhea
Amalaki- source of Vit C, prevents recurrent infection
Gokshura- A potent reproductive tonic, prevents vaginal infection, gives strength to uterine muscles
Jambu- Checks vaginal discharge
Shatavari- A general health tonic, regulates female hormonal secretion
Ashoka- A potent uterine tonic, menstrual regulator


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Gynure +kGYNURE Kwath (150 gms)