KIDNURE Kwath (150 gms)


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Safe & Highly Effective Ayurvedic treatment for various types of Kidney Diseases!

Indications – Urinary calculus, UTI, cystitis, renal failure, burning urination.

Dosage: Kwath: Mix 5 gm (1 teaspoon) in 100ml of hot water. Boil for 5 min, filter and drink. Twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and 30 min after dinner.


Safe & Highly-Effective Ayurvedic treatment for various types of Kidney Diseases!

Kwath: Mix 5 gm (1 teaspoon) in 100ml of hot water. Boil for 5 min, filter and drink. Twice a day 1 hour before breakfast and 30 min after dinner.

Punarnava- Reduces water retention, reduces swelling, regenerates nephrons, reduces serum creatinine & urea level.
Nimba- Prevents infection, checks pyourea
Patola- Increases renal function towards health
Shunthi- Kills infection causing microbes, appetiser and digestive
Kutaki- Regulates proper kidney function, reduces serum creatinine and blood urea level
Kantakari- Checks secondary infection
Giloy- Immumnomodulator, reduces RBC in blood
Daruharidra- Reduces urine pus cells, prevents infections’
Haritaki- Laxative, detoxifier
Punarnavadi Kwath- A potent renal health booster
Gokshura- Diuretic, prevents urine infection, kills microbes, prevents renal stone formation
Haritaki- laxative, detoxifier
Vibhitaki- Anti-oxidant, rejuvenator
Amalaki- prevents infections, reduces urine pus cell
Mustaka- Inhibits microbial growth, enhance immunity
Shunthi, Pippali, Marich- Kills microbes, reduces infections
Shuddha Gugul- Immunomodulator, lowers cholesterol, reduces hardening of arteries
Gokhuradi Kwath- A potent renal kidney protective and curative, regenerates nephrons, reduces creatinine and urea level
Varuna- Diuretic, dissolves and break kidney stone, reduces swelling
Bilva- Anti-inflammatory, reduces excessive blood glucose level, good to maintain intestinal flora, prevents infection
Apamarga- Maintains urine pH, anti-colic, diuretic, alkaliser
Chitrakamool- prevents infections
Arani- Diuretic, kidney protective
Shigru- nourishes body, reduces swelling, reduces inflammation
Bruhati- reduces urine infection, reduces burning in urine
Kirattikta- Maintain urine pH, reduces burning in urine
Karanaj- anti-inflammatory, reduces infections
Shatavari- coolant, nourishes body and tissues

Please always use all products of any kit in combination continuously for at least 3 months for best results.


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KidnureKIDNURE Kwath (150 gms)